As a responsible corporate citizen our mission is to become a forward-thinking practise leader in social innovation and entrepreneurship. We strive to acquire and enable post-start-up enterprises with the necessary capital, experience and network to acclerate the growth of asset values, free-cash flows, market-share and shareholder value whle meeting social responsibility objectives of significant importance as the same time. With increasing difficulty to access traditional sources of funding like venture capital and bank loans, Lux Healtcare Investments opens for such enterprises new gateways to global capital markets utilizing tailor-made social impact bonds to raise the necessary cap to ital to fund their projects and operations..
In addition to capital, Lux Healtcare Investments provides critical support to enterprises commiting our top industry experts as well as highly accredited legal, commercial and technical resources and lobby-services from former captains of industry to enable access to multinationals in global markets. The objective is to ensure rapid acceleration of profitable growth, market share and shareholder value.
Within our scope of influence we strive to provide our bond investors not only with the financial benefits but to implicitly make a significant impact on the global We strive to make quality healtcare available, accessible and affordable for disadvantaged populations and ensure the continuity hereof. At the same time we contribute to the creation of useful employment for researchers, doctors, nurses as well as technology experts servicing telehealth solutions. We support groundbreaking initiatives that accelerate transition of the healtcare industry to be able to combat diseases and epidemic more effectively.