
Lux Healthcare Investments invest exclusively in high income-producing assets with significant upside value potential. The selected assets have high impact on availability, accessibility and affrdability of quality healtcare services for both the advantaged and in particilar disadvantaged communities. The assets must comply with the latest rules and regulations for environmental protection, contribute to the preservation of the ecosystem and utilize true renewable energy sources. We aim at assets that are built with nature-inspired zero-emission technologies that function like selfsustaining ecosystems, in particular for medical waste-processing. 

Our investment strategy aims to establish a diversified portfolio of assets including but not limited to traditional hospitals, specialized clinics and basic healtcenters as well as franchises for fysiotherapy, dental, microbiology and other common health services. We are particularly interested in so called smart hospitals and remote healtcare services.
Asset Management Cycle
Origination using Leading Innovators
Lux Healtcare Investments sources candidate assets for remote healthcare services primarely via leading global incubators, star-ups, invention centers and patent bureaus. We select only post-start-up stage income-producing assets, with accelerating value growth and still significant upside value potential that are about to make a major breakthrough in global markets. The synergetic relationship with these new start-ups and incubators is of significant importance. The incubators strenght is the selection and initial development of new assets hereof while our strength is the post-start-up funding and commercial roll-out hereof once these assets are ready to fo to market..

Establish Strategic Partnerships
When targeting planned or existing assets, Lux Healtcare Investments commissions accredited strategic partners as well as world leading scientific organizations as well as leading universities to undertake thorough due diligence. These organization provides us also with expert opinion about the economic, technical and commercial viability of the assets as well as other criteria including but not limited to market acceptance, regulatory and political roadblocks, product exclusivity, organizational readiness, etc. We also engage with special reputable patentbureaus like  and patent lawfirms to assess the strength of existing patents or to file new or additional patent applications or assess the possible contestability of these patents.    

Shortest Time to Market
Upon successful outcome of the due diligence, Lux Healtcare Investmentsinstantly engages in joint ventures, equity participations with leading multinationals to accelerate growth. It is evident that such multinationals bring exceptional experience, know-how and critical resources to the table that will substantially reduce the time-to-market. When confirmed we proceed with establishing strategic partnerships, equity participations or industry or geographic alliances, securing licensing agreements to ensure a fast track commercialization and roll-out in global markets. Often these multinationals desire to obtain an equity stake in the business. Our credo is here "better have a fair share in the ocean than full ownershp of a still dry lake".

Lowest Cost to Market
The strategic partnerships and alliances with multinationals often significantly reduce the need for capital to build up a global presence. As these multinationals already have the experience, the capital, a state-of-the-art industrial infrastructure and an existing global distribution and sales network, it is relatively easy and cheap for them to rapidly integrate the new assets in the existing global business operations. It is evident that besides the significant cost savings also the risks of trial and error, normally involved when enterprises pursue their own, self-managed growth strategy.

Shortest Time to Revenue
Its common practise for Start-Ups and SME's to solely rely on investor' s funding, even when they are ready to go to market. However most enterprises appear to be unprepared or unable to make the transition from research and development to sales and distribution and make the common mistake to build up these capabilities from scratch. The consuequence is that valuable time and resources are wasted, the desired breakthrough fails and moreover the loss of  critical important revenues. To our experience the transition requires often new leadership. Our support foresees in building global strategic partnerships to ensure the asset start to produce cash flows a fast as possible. 

Shortest Time to Return on Investment
As Start-Ups and SME's are largely founded and lead by its specialist inventors, it is a very common that deadlines for market launch continuously are postponed. Such delays occur often with respect to licensing, permits for projects or approvals for acquisition of assets. The procedures are often very lengthy, unclear  subject to political powers (and even corruption). In order to ensure a shortest time to ROI, we give prefer partnerships with organizations that have already a strong footprint in domestic markets and long term established relationship with the domestic political and regulatory bodies. 

Sustainable Accelerate Growth
The key to the success to make a breakthrough in the market place is acceleration of profitable growth and achieve economies of scale. As the presence and business volumes increase numerous opportunties arise to achieve higher levels of efficiency. Besides fast-tracking  partnerships with multinationals, geographical or global, we actively explore also the opportunities for outsourcing, franchsing, mergers and acquisitions. Such strategies have proven to be of significant importance for sustainable profitable growth.  

High Value Exit
As investors we do not strive to retain long term ownership but seek for a high value exit on our investment. Already from the moment we conduct due diligence on the targeted assets, we prepare for a high value exit. It is evident that the multionationals with whom we have established strategic partnerships are the primary candiates to acquire the assets. Throughout the investment period we also engage with leading private equity and venture capital firms and other institutional investors. Alternatively we mobilize our task force to prepare for a full or staged public offering. The objective is not only to secure the highest value exit but to ensure the continuity and further global roll-out of the asset in accordance with our mission.  
Target Asset Classes
The prefered assets classes we invest in:

1. Smart Hospitals
2. Specialized clinics
3. Healthcare franchises 
4. Telehealth / Remote Patient Monitoring
5. Medical Technologies (e.g. robot-surgery)

Excluded are:


Assets in Portfolio
Currently only disclosed on a need to know basis

Asset Fact Sheets
Currently disclosed only on a need to know basis